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  The following images are of Suites of paintings that encompass the relationships of color, shape and sound.  Each of these Suites has a mucial compoent which is introduced by creating a Quicktime Movie based on the multiple layering of three mediums on untreated cotton canvas.  The primary medium is a color fast solarized dye. I call these combined paintings with a musical composition "pictumsonus".These plus others  can be viewed on the web sites      My initial  intuition was that there is an energetic (pulsing or vibrating) symbiotic connection between color, shape and sound (light, geometry and musical notation).      An historical  example is the universal  connection between a square shape and the color red (as in stable earthiness) and  I later learned that the angstrom measurements for the color red vibrates at approximately the same frequency as the key of C in the well tempered musical scale.  Thanks to the invention of the  Cymascope© by John Reid ( which produces cymaglyphs. I am able to produce works of art that encompass the three natural phenomena.  These artistic works are documented and  can be viewed on Vimeo,  and YouTube as short movies.



One of a diptych based on the psyche's duality. The second work is titled Acquarius.



The second work of the diptych based on psychic duality. The other related painting is titled Geminius.



Pollock is the second part of the diptych based on twinning.



Newest work focused on the twining nature of the human psyche. It is part of a diptych.

Overlapping Sensibilities #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #1

Among the benefits of exposure to diverse world cultures come the awareness that certain pictograms and, hieroglyphs hold or suggest common meaning to the viewer. These metaphorical elements can bring insightful inspiration to the initiated. They are often aligned with the spiritual or aesthetic nature of ideas or states of mind. This Suite of paintings is my attempt to bring meaning to the adage that-”the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts”, and that -“there is unity in diversity

Overlapping Sensibilities #2

Overlapping Sensibilities #2

Same as description in #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #3

Overlapping Sensibilities #3

Same description as for #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #4

Overlapping Sensibilities #4

Same as #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #5

Overlapping Sensibilities #5

Same as #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #6

Overlapping Sensibilities #6

Same as #1

Overlapping Sensibilities #7

Overlapping Sensibilities #7

Same as #1

Sounded Intervals - Parallel Fifths

Sounded Intervals - Parallel Fifths

A musical interval is the tonal relationship between two notes in a musical construct. Some intervals determine the major or minor character of the work others help define the compositional style of a musical style. Since there is a correlation between sound, shape and color, I set about combining, in a Suite of paintings, interval related cymaglyphs (stopped time images of sound produced on the Cymascope©) with their associative colors and shapes.

Sounded Intervals - Consecutive 3rds

Sounded Intervals - Consecutive 3rds

Same description as for Parallel Fifths

Sounded Images - Augmented Fourths

Sounded Images - Augmented Fourths

Same descriptions as for Parallel Fifths

Sounded Intervals - Diminished Seven

Sounded Intervals - Diminished Seven

Same Description as for Parallel Fifths

Sounded Intervals - Running 8ths

Sounded Intervals - Running 8ths

Same description as for Parallel Fifths.

Gateway tO the Divine #1 - I Am

Gateway tO the Divine #1 - I Am

Gateways tO the Divine - is a Suite of 7 paintings with musical compositions. The seven works are based on the relationships of 7 systems which constitute universal belief systems thru which an individual develops from their base (or fundamental) identity to their higher self (universal being). Each work contain 49 visual and aural components. The visuals are based in geocentric elements, colors and numbers, the aural in cymaglyphs and esoteric concepts.

Gateway tO the Divine #2 I Feel

Gateway tO the Divine #2 I Feel

Described in Gateway #1

Gateway tO the Divine #3 I Think

Gateway tO the Divine #3 I Think

Described in Gateway #1

Gateway tO the Divine #4 I Love

Gateway tO the Divine #4 I Love

Described in Gateway #1

Gateway tO the Divine #5 I Speak

Gateway tO the Divine #5 I Speak

Described in Gateway #1

Gateway tO the Divine #6 I Intuite

Gateway tO the Divine #6 I Intuite

Described in Gateway #1

Gateway tO the Divine #7 I Unite

Gateway tO the Divine #7 I Unite

Described in Gateway #1

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